I give you porch couch. The magnificent and glorious addition to our small deck of nothingness. After multiple hours of planning and one, HUGE, Home depot run. We built this monstrosity.
Pretty sweet right?
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/* John Dunn */ /* Oct, 28 2014 */ /* */ /* This program goes through a series of screen states, then restarts. */ /* If PSHBTN1 or PSHBTN2 is presse the states are reversed. */ /* */ /* Register Usage: */ /* - r5: Current State of Button after ldwio from r16 */ /* - r7: Delay Counter */ /* - r8: Current State */ /* - r9: State Counter (Starts at 8 and is checked for r9==0) */ /* - r13: Direction indicator (0 is R2L, 1 is L2R) */ /* - r14: Base Address of the current set of states (R2L or L2R) */ /* - r15: HEX3_HEX0 Base Address */ /* - r16: Pushbutton 1&2 Base Address */ .text .global _start _start: movia r13, 0 /* Initially have go right to left. */ movia r14, R2L_STATES movia r15, 0x10000020 movia r16, 0x10000050 ldw r8, 0(r14) /* Load the STATE into r8. */ addi r9, r0, 8 /* Set our STATE counter to 8. */ CHECK_R2L_RESET: bne r13, r0, CHECK_L2R_RESET /* IF the Direction is L2R, GOTO CHECK_L2R_RESET. */ beq r9, r0, R2L_RESET /* ELSE the Direction must be R2L. */ /* See if the state counter is at 0. */ /* If it is, GOTO R2L_RESET. */ br DO_DISPLAY CHECK_L2R_RESET: beq r9, r0, L2R_RESET /* ELSE the Direction must be L2R. */ /* See if the state counter is at 0. */ /* If it is, GOTO L2R_RESET. */ br DO_DISPLAY R2L_RESET: movia r14, R2L_STATES /* Reset the State address back to */ /* the base address for R2L_STATES. */ ldw r8, 0(r14) /* Load the first state into r8. */ addi r9, r0, 8 /* Reset the State Counter to 8. */ br DO_DISPLAY L2R_RESET: movia r14, L2R_STATES /* Reset the State address back to */ /* the base address for L2R_STATES.*/ ldw r8, 0(r14) /* Load the first state into r8. */ addi r9, r0, 8 /* Reset the State Counter to 8. */ br DO_DISPLAY DO_DISPLAY: stwio r8, 0(r15) /* Display the value in r8 */ addi r14, r14, 4 /* Get address of next state*/ ldwio r8, 0(r14) /* Load the next state into r8*/ subi r9, r9, 1 /* Decrement the state counter*/ ldwio r5, 0(r16) /* Load the current state of the Pushbuttons to r5. */ beq r5, r0, NO_BUTTON /* If a button isn't pressed, GOTO NO_BUTTON. */ beq r13,r0,SET_DIR_L2R /* If the Direction is R2L, GOTO SET_DIR_L2R. */ SET_DIR_R2L: addi r13,r0,0 /* Change r13 from 1 -> 0. */ br L2R_R2L_SWITCH_RESET SET_DIR_L2R: addi r13,r0,1 /* Change r13 from 0 -> 1. */ br R2L_L2R_SWITCH_RESET L2R_R2L_SWITCH_RESET: addi r9, r0, 8 /* Reset the State Counter*/ movia r14, R2L_STATES /* Reset the State address back to the base address */ ldw r8, 0(r14) /* Load the first state into r8 */ br WAIT R2L_L2R_SWITCH_RESET: addi r9, r0, 8 /* Reset the State Counter*/ movia r14, L2R_STATES /* Reset the State address back to the base address */ ldw r8, 0(r14) /* Load the first state into r8 */ WAIT: ldwio r5, 0(r16) /* Wait for the button to be released */ bne r5, r0, WAIT NO_BUTTON: movia r7, 250000 /* Here we will delay. */ DELAY: subi r7, r7, 1 bne r7, r0, DELAY br CHECK_R2L_RESET: .data R2L_STATES: .word 0x00000079 .word 0x00007949 .word 0x00794949 .word 0x79494940 .word 0x49494000 .word 0x49400000 .word 0x40000000 .word 0x00000000 L2R_STATES: .word 0x4F000000 .word 0x494F0000 .word 0x49494F00 .word 0x4049494F .word 0x00404949 .word 0x00004049 .word 0x00000040 .word 0x00000000 .end
/* John Dunn */ /* Oct, 28 2014 */ /* */ /* This program goes through a series of screen states, then restarts. */ /* */ /* Register Usage: */ /* - r7: Delay Counter */ /* - r8: Current State */ /* - r9: State Counter (Starts at 23 and is tested for r9==0) */ /* - r14: Base address of STATES */ /* - r15: Base address of HEX3_HEX0 */ .text .global _start _start: movia r14, STATES movia r15, 0x10000020 ldw r8, 0(r14) /* Load the STATE into r8. */ addi r9, r0, 23 /* Set our STATE counter to 23. */ DO_DISPLAY: beq r9, r0, RESET /* If we have finished all the states, GOTO RESET. */ stwio r8, 0(r15) /* Display the value in r8. */ addi r14, r14, 4 /* Get address of next state. */ ldw r8, 0(r14) /* Load the next state into r8. */ subi r9, r9, 1 /* Decrement the state counter. */ movia r7, 500000 /* Here we will Delay. */ DELAY: subi r7, r7, 1 bne r7, r0, DELAY br DO_DISPLAY RESET: addi r9, r0, 23 /* Reset the State Counter*/ movia r14, STATES /* Reset the State address back to the base address */ ldw r8, 0(r14) /* Load the first state into r8 */ br DO_DISPLAY .data STATES: .word 0x00063000 .word 0x00300600 .word 0x06000030 .word 0x30000006 .word 0x303D3F06 .word 0x00000000 .word 0x303D3F06 .word 0x00000000 .word 0x0000007C .word 0x00007C3E .word 0x007C3E71 .word 0x7C3E7171 .word 0x3E71716D .word 0x71716D00 .word 0x716D0000 .word 0x6D000000 .word 0x00000000 .word 0x2908010D .word 0x30090906 .word 0x1901080B .word 0x2908010D .word 0x30090906 .word 0x1901080B .end
struct Dice{ array<int,5> dice; array<int,5> savedDice; };
struct yahtStats{ int operations = 0; int autoPlay = 0; int mainOp = 0; int rollDiceOp = 0; int printDiceOp = 0; int printRollwithSavedOp = 0; int autoSaveDiceOp = 0; int saveDiceOp = 0; int getQtysOfDiceOp = 0; int autoConfirmScoreOp = 0; int confirmScoreOp = 0; int autoScoreTurnOp = 0; int scoreTurnOp = 0; int autoPlayTurnOp = 0; int playTurnOp = 0; int numPlayers = 0; int playerTurn = 0; int turnRolls = 0; bool keepRolling = true; int totalRolls = 0; int turns = 0; array<int,6> rollsPerNumber; };
class scorecard{ private: int numPlay; Score ** playerScores; array<string,100> playerNames; public: scorecard(int numPlayers); ~scorecard(); void setNumPlay(int num); void setPlayerScore(int player,int section, int score); void setPlayerName(int player, string name); int getNumPlay(); Score getPlayerScore(int player, int section); string getPlayerName(int player); void printDivider(int numPlayers); void print(int numPlayers); };
class Score{ private: int score; bool hasBeenScored; public: Score(); ~Score(); void setScore(int s); void setHasBeenScored(bool hBS); int getScore(); bool getHasBeenScored(); string getHasBeenScoredStr(); };
void playTurn(yahtStats * stats, Dice * myDice, scorecard * myScorecard){ 1. Roll the dice between 1 and 3 times. 2. Save the dice between 1 and 3 times. 3. Score the turn. } void autoPlayTurn(yahtStats * stats, Dice * myDice, scorecard * myScorecard){ 1. Find a random number of rolls between 1 and 3. 2. Iterates through for the number of rolls indicated by the randomly generated number. 3. AutoSave the dice. 4. autoScore the turn. }
Figure 1: Geoff with his printer face. |
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Figure 2: Block diagram of our system. |
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Figure 3: Printer Assembly. Due to the buggy nature of the PWM shield, we decided to remove the outside servo
assemblies in favor of using the built-in PWM outputs of the Arduino.
Figure 4: Connection between Sharpie and servo. |
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Figure 6:
Explanation of pulse width modulation with servos.
Figure 8: Results of a simple pattern test. |